Defending Against Spousal Assault Charges
A call to the police regarding a domestic disturbance sets in motion an entire chain of events with serious consequences. If you have been arrested for spousal assault, you cannot deal with this problem on your own. You need an experienced defence lawyer on your side — telling your story and working hard to explain the circumstances and disprove the Crown’s case.
David Karp is a criminal defence lawyer with experience in domestic violence and spousal assault cases. David brings compassion to his defence along with a caring for the entire family and the need to resolve the issues so all parties can move forward.
In domestic violence cases, a quick legal response is essential. Call 604-218-0840 today for a free, no-obligation consultation with David Karp.
What Will Happen After Your Arrest
In nearly every case in British Columbia, the police will arrest someone when they are called to the scene of a domestic disturbance. That person will usually stay in jail until he or she consents to a no contact order. The alleged assailant now has no home and may lose his or her child custody or visitation rights.
In this situation, David Karp will respond quickly, taking a series of practical and legal steps to help you get your life back on track. Depending on the specific circumstances of your case, this could mean, for example, getting a social worker involved and helping you obtain counselling or chemical dependency treatment. Actions such as these can show the Court that you are serious about dealing with any problems that may have contributed to the event in question.
Defending You in Court
Even if your spouse or significant other does not want to press charges, the Crown may go ahead anyway. David Karp will defend you assertively, presenting alternative explanations, putting the event in context and presenting evidence in your favour. If David cannot obtain a dismissal of the assault charge, he will seek to mitigate the consequences and lift or limit the conditions placed on you.
For a free consultation with an experienced spousal assault lawyer, call or text David Karp at 604 218 0840 or email David at