Vancouver Based Criminal Defense Lawyer Defends against Impaired Driving Charges
Laws recently enacted in British Columbia tighten the limit for impaired driving and increase penalties upon conviction, especially for repeat offenders. Conviction on an impaired driving charge can lead to a possible jail sentence, a fine and suspension of your driver’s licence. It may prohibit you from working at certain jobs or limit your ability to travel outside of Canada.
If you have been arrested for impaired driving or refusal to blow, you need experienced legal representation as soon as possible.
David Karp is an eight-year partner in a prominent Vancouver defence law firm. As a criminal lawyer, Mr. Karp has successfully defended many drivers accused of impaired driving, impaired driving over .08 (80) and refusal to blow. David Karp will vigorously defend you at all stages of the legal process.
Impaired Driving Defence Strategies
David Karp will thoroughly examine every aspect of your case, looking for a way to overcome the charge. Possible defence’s include lack of probable cause to stop you, improper breath testing procedures, timing issues regarding the breath testing and others. If a viable means exists to obtain a dismissal or reduction in the charge, David Karp will find it.
Under Canadian law, you are presumed innocent until proven guilty. David Karp will use his knowledge and skills to defend your rights and freedom.
Penalties for Impaired Driving Over .05 (50)
For a first-time offender, if you blow between .05 and .08 into the handheld approved roadside-screening device (ASD) you will immediately lose your driver’s licence for three days, have your car impounded for three days and have to pay significant fees to get your vehicle and driver’s licence back. Penalties for multiple offences increase significantly. Do not be lulled into thinking that an impaired over .05 conviction is insignificant. It will stay on your record and have lasting consequences. Get legal help by calling David Karp today at 604-218-0840.
Contact David Karp today for a free consultation with an experienced impaired driving charges lawyer.