David Karp’s Past Cases Defending Client’s in Vancouver, BC
David Karp is well known in Vancouver and Surrey BC as a very thorough and successful lawyer with an impressive track record. Below are some of his cases from 2007-2011. Click here for Recent Cases from 2012-Present
R v. B.S.
Vancouver (November 2011)
Serious robbery and assault charges of a taxi driver. Karp took case to trial and obtained an acquittal. NOT GUILTY
R v. S.W.
Vancouver (October 2011)
Criminal organization charges involving major ongoing drug enterprise with undercover police officers. Charges dropped to trafficking sentence reduced to 6 years after mr Karp’s negotiation with crown counsel.
R v. B.T.
Williams Lake (September 2011)
Large 1000 plant marijuana grow operation case. Stay of Proceedings obtained by Mr. Karp.
R v. S.O
Vancouver (August 2011)
Major heroin importation case. Suitcase brought in through the airport. After lengthy trial accused acquitted on all counts.
R v. M.B.
2nd degree murder trial. After lengthy cross examination of crown witnesses including a witness who taped a confession from the accused all charges dropped. Finding of NOT GUILTY.
R v. B.M.
North Vancouver
Theft charges. After negotiations with M.r Karp client received a conditional discharge. NO CRIMINAL RECORD
R. v. D.B.
Richmond (July 2011)
Charges of robbery of a jewelry store. Sentence reduced to 4 years 10 months after a sentencing hearing by Mr. Karp.
R. v. M.G.
Chilliwack (July 2011)
All traffic matters dismissed.
R. v. A.M.
Vancouver (July 2011)
Sexual assault charges reduced to simple assault after negotiations by Mr. Karp
R. v. M.K.
Vancouver Supreme (June 2011)
Charges of murder reduced to 2nd degree after lengthy jury trial.
R. v. A.V.
New Westminster (June 2011)
Charges of aggravated assault and unlawful confinement. Mr. Karp gets client released from custody at a bail review after previous counsel could not in initial bail hearing. Lengthy submissions being opposed to by Crown Counsel resulted in accused being released on a surety bail.
R. v. S.B.
Chilliwack (May 2011)
Numerous traffic court charges all dropped after Mr. Karp took control of file.
R. v. M.N.
Vancouver (May 2011)
Impaired/0.08 charges dropped to a Motor Vehicle Act charge (s.144). No criminal record, no driving prohibition.
R. v. C.S.
Richmond (May 2011)
Possession of stolen property and theft charges dismissed after trial.
R. v. X.L.
Vancouver (May 2011)
Charges of sexual assault. Witness not able to proceed after lengthy cross-examination by Mr. Karp at Preliminary Inquiry.
R. v. D.R.
Richmond (April 2011)
Dangerous driving charges dropped to a Motor Vehicle Act offence with no criminal record and a limited driving prohibition.
R. v. C.C.
Vancouver (April 2011)
Spousal and domestic assault case where charges dropped after David Karp’s discussions with Crown Counsel
R. v. M.G.
Vancouver (April 2011)
Trafficking charges resulting in a Stay of Proceedings after Mr. Karp requested lengthy disclosure
R. v. C.D.
Surrey (March 2011)
Over 0.08/Impaired driving and dangerous driving charges dropped down to a s.144 Motor Vehicle Act offence with no criminal record.
R. v. R.G.
Chilliwack (March 2011)
Speeding, no insurance and other driving charges all dropped, resulting in a Stay of Proceedings.
R. v. M.M.
Vancouver (March 2011)
Spousal assault and domestic violence case where all charges dropped categorically after numerous discussions and letters with Crown Counsel.
R. v. C.M.
Vancouver (February 2011)
Charges of production and distribution of methamphetamine as well as trafficking numerous large quantities of drugs including cocaine, MDMA and GHB. All charges dismissed midway through trial after cross examination of several Crown witnesses.
R. v. S.L.
Vancouver (February 2011)
Charges of assault at a bar fight reduced to a peace bond after negotiation with David Karp.
R. v. B.W.
Vancouver (February 2011)
Dial-a-dope cocaine trafficking dropped to simple possession with a conditional discharge. No criminal record.
R. v. B.W.
Vancouver (February 2011)
Trafficking dial-a-dope charges. Accused received conditional discharge.
R. v. C.M.
Vancouver (January 2011)
Multiple count indictment for trafficking multiple drugs. Accused acquitted of all counts after lengthy trial and submissions by Mr. Karp.
R. v. M.K.
Vancouver Supreme (July 2010)
Sought and obtained bail for accused on a 2nd degree murder charge.
R. v. Y.A.
Vancouver (July 2010)
Assault with weapon charges dropped to simple assault. Conditional discharge and no record after accused cut victims ear in bar fight.
R. v. A.C.
Port Coquitlam (June 2010)
Acquitted of trafficking marijuana after trial. Mr. Karp cross-examined main police witness using video from scene.
R. v. J.M.
Williams Lake (June 2010)
Charges of marijuana trafficking dropped to simple possession. Conditional discharge received.
R. v. K.T.
Richmond (May 2010)
Largest methamphetamine lab in B.C. history. Charges dropped to simple possession after Mr. Karp found problems with the certificates of analysis.
R. v. S.A.
North Vancouver (May 2010)
Dial-a-dope drug trafficking charges dropped after discussions with Crown by Mr. Karp.
R. v. T.P.
Vancouver (April 2010)
Dial-a-dope drug trafficking charges. Accused found not guilty after cross-examination by David Karp several police officers.
R. v. C.S.
Penticton (February 2010)
Impaired driving charges reduced to s.144. No criminal record.
R. v. D.H.
Clearwater (January 2010)
Cocaine trafficking charges dismissed after protracted discussion between Mr. Karp and Crown Counsel.
R. v. L.B.
Vancouver (January 2010)
Aggravated assault charges stemming from a bar fight dropped to simple assault with Conditional Discharge and no criminal record.
R V. M.N.
Impaired Driving charges and blowing over .08.
After Charter Arguments at trial by Karp certificate excluded
R v. J.B.
Drug Trafficking and possession of Cocaine for purposes of Trafficking
After extensive negotiations with crown counsel
R. v. C.S.
Impaired driving Charges and Blowing over .08 stemming from a car accident. Karp successfully negotiated a section 144 motor vehicle Act.
R. v. N.N.
Spousal Assault charges against wife. After facilitating a mediation Karp convinced prosecutor to Stay the Proceedings.
R. v. R.D.
Multiple Drug Charges and Driving Offences reduced to simple possession after negotiations with Karp.
R v. A.A.
Loaded gun in a vehicle. Karp secured clients release after a protracted bail review at Supreme Court. This created a new precedent on bail for guns in an environment where people previously were not getting bail.
R v. D.W.
Client charged with Attempted murder after extremely aggravated stabbing. Charges reduced to Aggravated Assault and client received a conditional sentence NO JAIL as a result of Karps negotiations.
R v. M.M.
Charges of drug trafficking client convicted at lower court and sentenced to 15 jail. Karp secured his release and convinced Court of Appeal to hear his Appeal.
R v. P.R.
Substantial amounts of cocaine and heroin. At trial Karp exposed several weaknesses in crowns case through extensive cross examination of police witnesses. NOT GUILTY verdict rendered.
R V. Q.Z.
400 Plant Marijuana Grow Operation charges and Theft of Hydro. Karp found a problem wit the warrant which resulted in a Stay of Proceedings against his client.
R v. K.M.
Impaired driving charges and Blowing over .08. Karp successfully negotiated a plea under the Motor Vehicle Act resulting in no driving prohibition and
R v. V.V. [2008] Vancouver
Serious Kidnapping involving the largest police investigation in British Columbian history. Eight month trial with hundreds of witnesses. Karps client found not guilty.
R. v. C.A. [2008] Vancouver
Charges of Dial-a-dope cocaine trafficking dismissed after trial cross examination by Karp exposing an unlawful detention and search. Extensive Charter argument advanced.
R. v. J.A. [2008] Kelowna
First degree murder charges reduced after preliminary inquiry by Karp to accessory after the fact. Sentence went from life imprisonment to three years jail.
R.v. G.V. [2008] Surrey
Charges of possession of a loaded firearm where accused fired weapon at a party. Charges reduced to careless storage after negotiations with Karp. Sentence was a conditional sentence with a period of probation.
R. v.S.K. [2008] Vancouver
Charges of impaired driving and Driving with Undue Care and Attention dropped after negotiations with Karp. Drivers Licence reinstated.
R. v. C.L. and H.S. [2008] Abbotsford
1000 Plant marijuana grow operation. Charges dismissed against both accused after challenge to warrant. Money and property returned to client
R. v. K.D. [2008] Vancouver
Serious Kidnapping and extortion charges reduced to simple assault after cross examination by Karp of the complainant. Crown original sentencing position of five years reduced to three months.
R. v. I.D. [2008] Vancouver
Assault charges in a Vancouver nightclub involving an alleged bottling with serious facial injuries. Charges dropped.
R v. M.B. [2008] Vancouver
Bouncer charged with aggravated assault. After negotiations with Karp and argument to judge a conditional discharge with no record imposed.
R. v. E.E. [2008]
Multiple bank robberies. Crown asking for three years real jail. Karp convinced a judge to impose a conditional sentence.
R v. J.M. [2007] Port Coquitlam
Charges of Aggravated assault dismissed after a lengthy three day cross examination by Mr. Karp of the material witnesses. Accused released from custody immediately.
R v. H.C. [2007] Vancouver
Marijuana grow operation involving 500 plants. Crown counsel did not proceed with the charges after negotiations with Mr. Karp.
R v. G.B. [2007] Vancouver
Theft charges accused caught on video. After cross examination by Mr. Karp accused found not guilty.
R v. A.C. [2007] Burnaby
Sexual assault trial with a jury. Several charter arguments advanced involving difficult legal issues. Accused confession to police excluded. After three weeks of trial jury could not reach a verdict.
R v. J.H. and O.S. [2007] Vancouver
Substantial Cocaine and Ecstasy drug Trafficking charges including weapons charges. Negotiated down to one count each of Trafficking with a 6 month Conditional Sentence Order imposed. No jail received.
R v. E.T. [2007] Vancouver
Substantial Cocaine, Heroin, LSD, Ecstasy, and Marijuana drug Trafficking charges including possession of two loaded firearms. Two years of jail given despite crown sentence position of four to five years.
R v. A.F. [2007] Abbotsford
Possession of firearm and assault. Mr Karp negotiated with crown counsel and convinced them to drop the assault charge and impose a fine on the firearms charge.
R v. D.H. [2007] Vancouver
Charges of dial-a-dope cocaine drug trafficking. Charges dropped against accused.
R v. A.G. [2007] Vancouver
Impaired Driving and over .08 charges negotiated down to section 144 motor vehicle act offence.
R v. S.M. [2007] Vancouver
Impaired driving charges dismissed.
R v. H.Z. [2007] Richmond
Marijuana Grow operation case charges dropped.