David recently dealt with a complicated case involving 3 files and a client facing numerous charges ranging from assault, mischief, dangerous driving, multiple probation breeches and fleeing from police.
While many people would be judgmental just looking at the file, David took the time to review the case and understand what happened from the client’s point of view. There are many circumstances in which people find themselves in situations they never imagined. This can be due to mental health issues, addiction, and sickness to name a few.
In this situation, David Karp assisted and encouraged client to enter recovery and rehab centre. After the client finished rehab, the client was able to see the silver lining in how the seriousness of the charges finally prompted rehab. The client worked hard to get well physically and mentally. Due to this hard work to truly change his circumstances with the support of the family, David Karp was able to make submissions about the client’s background, rehab and current circumstances as well as his desire for a second chance.
Working together, David Karp was able to get a really great result for the client. All three files and all charges were resolved by way of a suspended sentence. This included probation only and no jail.
David is so pleased for his client and the client is extremely grateful for David’s support, experience and persistent, aggressive approach to getting the best result possible so the client could truly have a second chance.
If you are facing criminal charges and need a lawyer, please contact David Karp today for a free consultations online or reach David directly at 604.218.0840 or via email at david@vancouverdefencelawyer.com .